CQFD - 2011

Project Team Cqfd

Overall Objectives
Scientific Foundations
Application Domains

Project Team Cqfd

Overall Objectives
Scientific Foundations
Application Domains

Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

Lyre (Lyonnaise Recherche)

Participant : Jérôme Saracco.

A project of collaboration started in december 2011 between LyRE (which is a research laboratory of Lyonnaise des Eaux, subsidiary company of Suez environnement) and INRIA team CQFD. One aim of this project is to develop tools for detection of leaks in water network based on a sampling study of continuous time monitoring of individual consumptions. A PhD thesis (2011-2014) is part of this project. The whole project also involves CEMAGREF and IMB (Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux). This work is in collaboration with Vincent Couallier (IMB).